Partner Search Announcements

Company Name: Ekoplant j.d.o.o.
Short Description:

EKOPLANT je ovlašteno kontrolno tijelo od strane nadležnog Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Hrvatske u skladu s nacionalnom Zakonskom regulativom za ekološku proizvodnju i pripadajućim pravilnicima. Organizacijska jedinica EKOPLANT provodi postupak službenog nadzora nad ekološkom proizvodnjom poljoprivrednih i prehrambenih proizvoda sukladno temeljnim zahtjevima te postupak certificiranja sukladno temeljnim zahtjevima za ekološku proizvodnju.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: PRO-OFFICE
Short Description:

We are a creative and dynamic team that offers quality support for all your accounting and tax business requirements. Our core business is accounting, but we also have enough experience to help your business with the challenges it may face. By professionally providing the highest quality services in the domain of administrative, economic and financial operations, from the establishment of the company throughout its existence, Pro-Office Agency enables small to medium – sized enterprises and entr

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: La salon concept d.o.o.
Short Description:

Our firm offers consultation services in business, finance, and administration, concentrated on cross-cultural collaboration and business management in the Balkan region. We are helping small businesses find their way in a diverse and dynamic regional market.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Archangel Enterprises
Short Description:

Archangel Enterprises is a tiny, yet successful game development studio based in Montenegro, with their first fully fledged project out on PlayStation, Xbox and PC for over a year now. Fuelled by a powerful 2D, 3D and sound design & rendering studio, they are looking to cooperate on a regional level with financial & technical teams with the aim of focusing their next project on an Adriatic theme that ephasizes the cultural exchange and co-op between Montenegro and its neighbor, Croatia.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Secure Block d.o.o.
Short Description:

We are a cybersecurity company focusing on providing security assessments and cybersecurity consulting. Our focus is also on our proprietary tool PentestPad. Our solution is intended for streamlining security assessment processes, for vulnerability findings management, and more.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Alatel doo
Short Description:

We are company established in 2002 dealing primarily in the area of technical security, telecommunication equipment, as well as IT equipment. We are equipped with the personnel for the design, development and the implementation of projects. Our references include a wide spectrum of clients. Along with all the necessary legal licences we have implemented ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: PULSEC
Short Description:

PULSEC is a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) that protects small and medium-sized enterprises against advanced cyber threats to ensure business continuity for our clients. Its own Security Operation Center (SOC) continuously monitors the company\'s IT environment, rapid threat detection, and incident response, and it is available 24/7.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: PAGE d.o.o.
Short Description:

PAGE d.o.o is software development company experienced in custom made software solutions. Among these services we have own products, one of them is intended for project management. It is widely used as a useful and simplified Project management solution especially for SMEs and startups.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: RUBIK d.o.o.
Short Description:

All in one place for your business. We are innovative company who offers softwares according to your needs. We are selling computer equipment, creating and design web sites and helping to start their bussines, accounting and administrative services in Montenegro. We offer softwares for all kind of business. The softwares we offer save time by automating operations that the user often repeats. The programs follow the correct business logic, which significantly reduces the possibility of human er

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Adriatic Appraisal d.o.o.
Short Description:

We have a skilled multi-disciplinary team collaborating across the region, which can service the entire lifecycle of your projects. Through this approach, we aim to provide our clients with innovative solotions or unparalleled quality and exceptional value, while maintaining a steady focus on sustainability and long-term performance

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Adriatic Appraisal d.o.o.
Short Description:

We have a skilled multi-disciplinary team collaborating across the region, which can service the entire lifecycle of your projects. Through this approach, we aim to provide our clients with innovative solotions or unparalleled quality and exceptional value, while maintaining a steady focus on sustainability and long-term performance.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Capital Investors
Short Description:

Capital Investors is unique regional advisory company specialized in the Western Balkans. Our expertise is in financial and corporate management, with focus on delivery of sustainable solutions in accordance with highest international standards. After 10+ years of international experience and knowledge of the local market and procedures, we united under one roof to offer services that can meet the hardest economic and political challenges of the century.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: NATIVE DEVELOPMENT d. o. o.
Short Description:

ScanEat je mobilna aplikacija prilagođena za ljude koji zbog zdravstvenog stanja moraju paziti na prehranu. Planiramo uvesti premium značajke, referal monetizaciju i proširiti se na susjedne zemlje. Tražimo partnere iz BiH i Crne Gore, a idealne tvrtke su: - Marketinške agencije ili agencije za ispitivanje tržišta - ⁠E-Commerce tvrtke i tvrtke za digitalni marketing - ⁠Logistički ili call centri / centri podrške ili sl. Poželjno je da postoji ostvaren poslovni kontakt sa maloprodajnim lancima.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Simes inzenjering
Short Description:

Simes Inzenjering was founded in the year 2000 with its headquarters in Podgorica, Montenegro. The Company permanently employs 45 people. Company operates under ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 27001 standards. Listed under NATO code A0B3W. Basic Company activities are: renewable energy, engineering, project development and project management.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: SINBIA DOO
Short Description:

Trazimo partnera u oblasti unapređivanja pružanja usluga u oblasti plažnog turizma,proizvodnja plažnog mobilijara, pružanje marketinških usluga, uređenje prostora mediteranskim biljem

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Montenegro Adventures
Short Description:

Established in 2006, Montenegro Adventures specializes in incoming travel to Montenegro. We have a very diverse portfolio of products focusing on individual and small group travel, leisure and business travel, conferences, events, and incentive trips, package tours throughout the Balkans, and consultancy services related to sustainable tourism. We are looking for motivated partners interested in the development of joint regional products, digitalisation, and promotion in new markets.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: B Medik d.o.o.
Short Description:

The MISSION of the company B Medik is to make available innovative pharmaceutical products, nutritional supplements, medical devices and cosmetics in pharmacies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, providing on the one hand comprehensive logistical support to manufacturers of pharmaceutical products from different geographical regions so that their products find their way to the patient, and on the other hand providing the professional and general public with health info. based on evidence based medicine

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Satwork DOO Banja Luka
Short Description:

Osnovna djelatnost je pružanje usluga satelitskog praćenja. Specijalizovali smo se u oblasti kreiranja, razvijanja i pružanja usluga baziranih na GPS tehnologiji, kontinuirano radimo na razvoju usluga, izvještaja i aplikacija. Razvijamo domaće proizvode koji se u svakom trenutku mogu prilagoditi pojedinačnim zahtjevima klijenata. Pored GPS satelitskog praćenja, razvijamo i unapređujemo brojne integrisane usluge.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: J-CONTO DOO
Short Description:

Mi smo racunovodstvena agencija \"J-CONTO\" doo iz Podgorice, CG, i tražimo HR i BiH partnera za projekt koji pripremamo da bismo unaprijedili poslovanje i podigli na veći nivo naše usluge, proširili djelatnost i pružili klijentima nove usluge, nabavkom novog softvera i prateće opreme, te obuke za kadar. Prioritet: Product development

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Spotsie
Short Description:

Spotsie je inovativno IoT rješenje za pozicioniranje, posebno dizajnirano za opasna (EX) okruženja i velike objekte. Uz Spotsie, možete jednostavno preuzeti nepobitne radne zapise, primati trenutne obavijesti o kršenju zona i značajno smanjiti rizik od nesreća u unutarnjim i vanjskim prostorima. Ovo rješenje nudi visoko precizno pozicioniranje i navigaciju, osiguravajući da svi vaši ključni resursi ostanu pod kontrolom i unutar dosega.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Notch
Short Description:

Prepoznati smo kao vodeći regionalni stručnjaci za platforme temeljene na Javi i Agile prakse. Naša reputacija izgrađena je tijekom posljednja dva desetljeća kroz obavljanje posla i provođenje promjena koje klijentima trebaju. Naša rješenja su i značajna i atraktivna; važno nam je ostvariti promjenu implementirajući rješenja koja nisu samo funkcionalna, već i estetski privlačna. Izvodimo razne R&D projekte gdje na nekima surađujemo kao parneri u izvedbi a nekima kao idejni kreatori

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Karuc Kompany D.O.O
Short Description:

My company deals in the sale of various packaging (plastic bags, paper bags, heat-shrinkable bags, vacuum, roll labels, boxes, scotch tape with a stamp) and complete equipment for chemical cleaners and laundry (films, hangers, bags, bangs, softener).

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: DeFacto Consultancy
Short Description:

DeFacto Consultancy is a Montenegrin agency which specializes in monitoring and measurement of social phenomena, market research and consultancy work. Its scope of work includes public opinion surveys, research related to different kinds of social phenomena, performance of the political system and democracy, pre-election and post-elections surveys and market research.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Glover doo
Short Description:

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Nevoa d.o.o.
Short Description:

Nevoa d.o.o., osnovana 2010. godine, specijalizovana je za dizajn i proizvodnju proizvoda, od igračaka do medicinskih proizvoda, projektovanje i proizvodnju alata i inženjerske usluge Mi pružamo praktična dizajnerska rešenja i nastojimo da rešimo probleme prošlih i sadašnjih proizvoda. Naše iskustvo i praksa garantuju kvalitet i pogodnost koji našim kupcima daju prednost nad konkurencijom Poslovna partnerstva sa Nevoa-om pružaju prednosti koje će vam pomoći da razvijete svoje poslovanje

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Duga toys
Short Description:

Production of toys with the motif of marine animals from natural materials (wool, silk, cotton, cashmere...) All toys can be removed and washed. They are safe because everything on them is embroidered or sewn. They are filled with anti-allergic filling. They are packed in cotton bags or bags.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Sinjac doo
Short Description:

Sinjac doo is micro entrepice produce wine and brendy.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: PPU Casa dei Bambini
Short Description:

Privatna predškolska ustanova namijenjena ostvarivanju prava na slobodan razvoj osobenosti djece predškolskog uzrasta, osposobljavanja i produbljivanja stručnog znanja, vještina i sposobnosti.Svojim aktivnostima prisutni smo u Podgorici

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Olando doo
Short Description:

Olando doo je firma specijalizovana za PROIZVODNJU LAZY BEG-OVA. Naši proizvodi su popularni zbog modernog dizajna i funkcionalnosti, često korišteni u različitim prostorima poput dnevnih soba, terasa, plaža, bazena. Na trzistu se isticemo kao firma sa inovativnim rješenjima u dizajnu. Tražimo partnere iz HR i BiH koji prodaju ili proizvode sličnu robu, za našu projektnu aplikaciju koju upoadujemo u sistem.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Montenegro Memories
Short Description:

Mi smo inovativna digitalna TURISTIČKA platforma koja je uspostavjena uz podršku EU fondova i koristeći AI spaja INOCOMING potražnju stranih turista sa lokalnim ponudama CG. Naša ideja je proširenje na region, te ustupanje ovog promo kanala našim partnerima iz HR i BiH. Tražimo turističke agencije ili operatere za saradnju na projektu koje imaju razvijene LOKALNE ponude koje bi se plasirale. Imamo iskustvo u projektima i uploadujemo aplikaciju.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: dpm d.o.o
Short Description:

dpm d.o.o is start-up company for the design, production and montage of special machines and metal products. We use advanced 2D and 3D tools to create digital twins and other innovative solutions for our clients. Our team of experts has extensive experience in the field and is committed to providing high-quality services to meet all your needs.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: U.D.\"BASIC\"
Short Description:


Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: JP \"Tržnica\" doo Zenica
Short Description:

Since 1984, the company has been engaged in renting, organizing the purchase and sale of market goods, renting business premises, equipment and other market capacities. We want to expand our activity - build a photovoltaic power station for the further sale of electricity.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Meat Group DOO
Short Description:

Mi smo porodična firma sa Cetinja koja proizvodi tradicionalne visokokvalitetne suhomesnate proizvode (crnogorski pršut svinjski i goveđi) pod brendom Amanet i Marco. Tražimo HR i BIH partnera (proizvodnju hrane, trgovinu ili distributera) za naš projekt inovacije tehnološkog procesa i izvoza. Mi smo zaduženi za pripremu i upload zajedničke aplikacije.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: KAMAT Adventure Travel
Short Description:

We are travel agnecy based in central Croatia / city Karlovac. We are destination menagment compny and our goal is to attract people to visit our ciry and our region. We offers tours such as kayak tour Karlovac, bike tour Karlovac, teambuilidng excurtisoin and entertaiment.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: MeetBusters
Short Description:

We are looking for HR and BIH partner. We specialize in businesses of all sizes and industries to improve their SALES performance through effective lead generation and appointment setting. Our team of experienced Business Development Representatives (BDRs) and CRM works closely with our clients to develop customized campaigns that deliver results. Our service include: Lead Generation, Meetings setting, SEO campaigns and market. Our project idea is joint management tool for market penetration.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Kolos_Consulting_Solutions
Short Description:

Mi smo firma specijalizirana za poslovno savjetovanje i EU projekte, s bogatim iskustvom na regionalnom nivou. Ponosimo se velikim brojem zadovoljnih klijenata. Naše stručne usluge, uključujući pristup našoj širokoj mreži klijenata u Bosni i Hercegovini, nudimo za aktuelne pozive, kako bismo vaš posao podigli na viši nivo.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Amtex d.o.o. Tešanj
Short Description:

Amtex d.o.o. Tešanj specializes in high-quality herbal products, electronic cigarettes, and perfumes like Dicora and Harem Istanbul. We are also distributers of Aseptine and Pro Care. With our partners we ensure broad product availability and operate our own retail store. Future plans include a herbal recreational center with massages, salt rooms, and more. We are interested in introducing an ERP software to monitor our stock, and internal procedures to start the digitalisation process.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Dalmaconsult d.o.o.
Short Description:

DALMACONSULT d.o.o. je obiteljski vođena tvrtka koja ima najveći ekološki voćnjak autohtone višnje maraske u Europi. Pod brandom Terra Marasacae već proizvodimo razne sokove na bazi maraske, džem, ocat, liker i rakiju od maraske. Tražimo partnere u Crnoj Gori (CG) i Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) za suradnju koji bi za nas izradili moderan webshop sa svim potrebim sadržajima te želimo unaprijediti proces prerade, ideja je da se dio vrši u samom voćnjaku, odnosno na terenu.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: GoodWill doo
Short Description:

Our company specializes in advanced AI technologies, with a particular focus on developing and implementing solutions using the LLM models from OpenAI platform. Through our innovative approaches, we help organizations transform their business processes and enhance customer interactions. We are open to collaboration on projects that explore new possibilities and applications of artificial intelligence.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Monte Bjanco
Short Description:

Monte Bianco was founded in 2010. producing dairy products Moccarella and semi-hard cheese, with 20 employees. The production plant is located in the central part of Montenegro (3000 l milk processing per day). We plan to upgrade our production process in packaging and energy efficiency are looking for HR and BiH partners to cooperate in new markets, preferably daily plants and/or retail and wholesale traders. We have project management capacity and are preparing for P4: DIVERSIFICATION.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Horti-gr d.o.o.
Short Description:

Prerada i izrada proizvoda od granita, mramora, Quartza. Edukacija

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Italic Studio d.o.o. Zenica
Short Description:

Italic Studio d.o.o. is the leading branding agency in B&H, specialized in brand development and creative services. Our work includes graphics and identity, strategy and positioning, products and packaging, exhibitions and installations, websites and digital experiences, advertising and communications. The company stands behind many successful projects that have become recognizable in different industries, ensuring that our work is recognizable making us a reliable partner.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: \"Smajlović Company\" d.o.o.
Short Description:

\"Smajlović Company\" for production, trade and services, is a Co. engaged in the production and sale of prescription and sunglasses, as well as contact lenses. The company\'s goal is to expand its area of ​​bussines, offer new products, as well as improve the production and sale of products in accordance with EU regulations. \"Smajlović Company\" was founded in 2021 and currently has 8 employees, mainly youth people (under 35 y.o)

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Short Description:

CARPENTRY WORKSHOP MEDINIC was founded in August 2022. Extensive experience in the production of all wooden products. We are recognizable in the region where we live, and we have also worked in the European Union. Our products are recognizable for their top quality, unique and unique design, all the production ones are made according to the dimensions according to the needs of the customer.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Supfina d.o.o.
Short Description:

Supfina d.o.o. je osnovana 2002. godine s fokusom na oštrenje specijalnih reznih alata od tvrdog metala, pružajući podršku proizvodnim firmama u sektoru mehaničke obrade automobilskih komponenti i opštoj mašinskoj branši. Prepoznajući nove tržišne prilike, već 2004. godine proširujemo svoju djelatnost na proizvodnju kako standardnih, tako i specijalnih reznih alata od tvrdog metala, pružajući inovativna rješenja i tehničku podršku našim kupcima.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: G&S TRADERS DOO
Short Description:

The company G&S Traders was founded in August 2008. In the first years, it started selling perfumes. It became the main importer of perfumes for the support of northeastern Bosnia. In 2018, we started the production of windows and doors made of aluminum and plastic. , Serbia. In 2022, we started building a fitness facility. The facility is 1,500 m2 in size and was built according to the latest standards and conditions required for a modern fitness hall.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Đurić doo
Short Description:

Djuric doo je prduzece koje se bavi otkupom, skladistenjem i preradom zitrica, proizvodnjom svih vrsta brasna i gotovih smjesa za pekarstvo. Izvozimo na trziste Makedonije, Crne Gore i Turske

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Caeli Travel
Short Description:

Caeli Travel is a premier tour operator and travel agency based in Montenegro, specialized in organizing and executing bespoke trips from one day to two weeks. We focus on providing private tours for international visitors to Montenegro and aim to expand to other markets. We are looking to enhance regional tourism and cultural exchange. With our expertise and local knowledge, we aim to create innovative travel solutions that promote Montenegro as a top travel destination.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: WHITE SMILE dental clinic
Short Description:

Dental practice that deals with all dental services since 2019.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Green Tools TECH d.o.o.
Short Description:

Company designs and manufactures tools and equipment for small scale farms, focusing on farms practicing regenerative agriculture. We are searching for an Arduino programmer for simple mechatronics project.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: ICT
Short Description:

ICT D.O.O. was established in Podgorica in 2019. The company\'s primary activity is IT engineering. It was founded by experts in the field of information technology. We offer our clients comprehensive solutions, including services such as consulting, development, enhancement, equipment delivery, complete solution implementation, and 24-hour support through our monitoring center. Our main goal is to improve our clients\' IT performance through our services and solutions. With over 100 successfully

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Gramer
Short Description:

Rezanje, obrada i oblikovanje kamena. Radimo nadgrobne spomenike, nišani, stepeništa, prozorske klupice, kuhinjske ploče i ostale proizvode od kamena prema dogovoru.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Blue Coach doo
Short Description:

Blue Coach has been providing professional services for more than 15 years. The spectrum of business includes executive coaching, management consulting, and assessment-based solutions. During the first decade of work, we taught in business schools, trained hundreds of CEOs, managers, sports coaches, and athletes. In order to add value and find the best solutions for our clients, we used assessments, coaching, and consulting services.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Pro konzalting d.o.o.
Short Description:

Development agency for SME. We are offer education for start up companies, create business plan and marketing. Also we are offer consulting about EU projects. Our company is interesting for digital transition and development croatian tourism and culture in the other countries/partners.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Factum doo
Short Description:

Factum LLC is a craft workshop primarily engaged in carpentry. We handle wood processing and produce a wide range of wooden products. Our services include designing and creating interiors, furniture, and children\'s toys, among others. We are interested in placing some of our products on the EU market. We are looking for partners from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina with whom we can further explore the market, modify our products, design new ones, and bring them to market.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Supfina d.o.o.
Short Description:

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Vena
Short Description:

Booking a stay at an agricultural farm, with a special emphasis on living the experience of being involved in farm activities. Farms create their accounts and describe all their activities, in certain months, and are ready to share them with visitors (making cheese, wine, olive oil, taking care of animals, mowing, knitting, preparing winter quarters...). Farm searches can be performed by: geolocation, type of production, special standards, gastronomic, dietary or medical requirements.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Meriem doo
Short Description:

We are 15 employees company branded PLANET based in Podgorica, since 2015. We own 150 all range vehicles for short and long term rent. Our markets are foreign individuals and companies, covering area of Montenegro and Albania, planning Serbia and Macedonia next. Our 2003 income was cca 600.000 e. Our project aims to create NEW PRODUCT with the potential of entering new markets – DIVERSIFICATION. We are looking for CRO and BIH partner and we have expertise to prepare andimplementproject

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Balkan Consult Group
Short Description:

Naša kompanija nudi usluge povezivanja sa BH kompanijama kao potencijalne partnere iz Republike Hrvatske i crne Gore. Naši klijenti su iz oblasti IT, hotelijerstva, turizma, drvnog i metalnog sektora ali i ostalih po potrebi. Na ovom EU pozivu možemo biti Vaša adekvatna spona sa potencijalnim partnerima iz Bosne i Hercegovine.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: TMD-Hanibal d.o.o.
Short Description:

TMD-Hanibal is an export-oriented company (focused on the EU market). Services: production of smaller and highly specialized batches that profile us as a diversified company on the market of production parts for machines and tools, automotive parts and etc., turning, milling, grinding, making parts according to customer\'s sample or drawing, drawing construction in programs, drilling, welding, heat treatment of metal, 3D measurement, cutting, broaching. Standards: ISO9001, ISO14001, etc.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: MARACOM d.o.o.
Short Description:

We are a company that develops various software solutions and mobile applications for various industries. Medical clinics, Physiotherapy clinics, Driving schools, manufacturing, insurance mediation agencies, laundries, auto industry, occupational safety, ... We are looking for a partner in BiH or Montenegro with whom we can develop a new product or expand an existing product.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Training Solutions & Consulting
Short Description:

Mi smo mala tvrtka koja se bavi savjetovanjem iz područja održive dostave, edukacije, turizma

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Fera Felix doo
Short Description:

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: SIM-KOMERC d.o.o. Kakanj
Short Description:

SIM-KOMERC d.o.o. Kakanj is a company engaged in the wholesale and retail trade of construction materials,paints,and coatings,as well as the production of facade materials. With significant growth over the past five years,the company specializes in manufacturing plastic components for facade work,such as dowels,profiles,and washers,using recycled plastic. Dedicated to innovation and efficiency,SIM-KOMERC aims to enhance its competitive edge through digital transformation and process optimization

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Industrial Automation
Short Description:

IA implements production automation solutions with and without robots, in order to increase the accuracy, efficiency and productivity of industrial processes. Additionally, IA provides consulting services to regional industrial companies for modernization of their production processes, in accordance with the latest trends.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Simpert j.d.o.o.
Short Description:

Simpert, a tech company dedicated to creating cloud-based tools that simplify and improve the development of complex products. Our focus is on optimizing energy and material use during design and production. We offer services in digital transformation, automation, software development, custom software solutions, and 3D visualization of products and processes. Our innovative solutions help businesses streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance overall efficiency.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Fruk FinTech d.o.o.
Short Description:

We specialize in developing customized, complex software solutions for the agricultural sector, including horticulture, forestry, viticulture, livestock farming, and crop production. Our advanced technologies and AI implementations help automate business processes for clients such as agricultural cooperatives, the Agronomy Chamber, and various agricultural businesses. We seek a partner in the sale or production of GPS tracking (locators) to integrate real-time monitoring into software solution.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: FRUIT PROM d.o.o.
Short Description:

FIrma se bavi pored primarne poljopivrede, pakovanjem svježe jagode, zamrzavanje voća i pakovanje istog.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Brain Code d.o.o.
Short Description:

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Request
Company Name: SZR Femal
Short Description:

SZR Femal je obrt koji se bavi proizvodnjom i ugradnjom vrata i prozora od metala, pretežno aluminija i PVC-a. Imamo tradiciju poslovanja od gotovo 30 godina. Naime obrt je registriran 1995. godine i od tada se trudimo biti konkurentni na tržištu, nuditi nove proizvode i pratiti najnovije tehnologije u području proizvodnje i ugradnje PVC i ALU stolarije. Dugi opstanak na tržištu upravo su dokaz kvalitete proizvoda i usluga našeg obrta.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Short Description:

We are a company specializing in geotechnical solutions. We offer a wide range of services: geotechnical consulting, exploration, design, audit and supervision and have mainly based our operations in Croatia. In addition we are participating in teaching bases network at University of Split, We are looking for partnerships to promote our expertise and know-how in the region, and further develop the range of our services.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: JIT Solutions
Short Description:

We are a software development company focused on building SaaS products for SMEs. Currently we are working on an ERP (Enterprise resource planning) product which we are testing in 3 small companies with around 40 employees each. We would like to cooperate with partners in BiH and Montenegro who are willing to try and implement the solution. We strongly believe that companies and organisations that do not track their business processes will see an increase in their managerial work efficiency

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: FORMO d.o.o.
Short Description:

We are a company that mainly deals with the assembly and installation of panel furniture.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: INEQO d.o.o.
Short Description:

Sure, here is the translation: --- We are a small company based in Mostar. Ineqo d.o.o specializes in the production and sale of homemade juices, which are packaged in small bottles for convenience. Our goal is to connect with other countries and eventually secure exports to other markets.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Con Vita d.o.o.
Short Description:

Con Vita represents a new type of business consulting based on a combination of business reporting, analysis, planning and marketing. Project development and implementation is the primary task by which we provide our clients project development and implementation-based consulting. Our team consists of experts with longterm project management and coordination experience and have worked on many EU funded projects: GRASPINNO, TEESCHOOLS, ADRIONET, TALENTMAGNET, TOURISM4ALL, AGORA, GENPROCURE etc.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: NetHub (E.C.H.R. d.o.o.)
Short Description:

NetHub, Croatia\'s first business accelerator dedicated to healthcare technology development, fosters innovation and entrepreneurship through strategic collaboration. We facilitate partnerships between entrepreneurs and researchers, promoting collaborative research with commercialization potential. We seek MSEs across Montenegro and BiH involved in healthcare innovation - consultancies, incubators, accelerators, tech parks, and others to join our project.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Correlate limited liability comapny for services
Short Description:

Correlate d.o.o. is a Croatian Innovation Consultancy dedicated to transforming businesses through strategic advisory and innovative solutions. We provide services to the public and private sector on both national and international level by successfully collaborating with a wide range of clients from various industries. Our expertise in strategic planning, project management and sustainable development helps companies navigate challenges and achieve goals through collaborative partnerships.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Greenville experience d.o.o.
Short Description:

Greenville Experience is an innovative tourist agency specializing in ecological education and adventure tourism. We promote rural and sustainable development through immersive programs that connect participants with nature. Our offerings include eco-friendly tours, hands-on workshops, and outdoor adventures designed to educate and inspire sustainable living practices. Join us for a unique experience that combines learning, adventure, and a commitment to preserving our planet.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Dcode
Short Description:

Dcode specializes in web development, e-commerce solutions, SEO optimization, digital marketing, and data analysis. We also create custom applications for iOS and Android platforms. Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality, innovative solutions to help businesses succeed online.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Tuzex doo
Short Description:

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Tuzex doo
Short Description:

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Proces d.o.o.
Short Description:

Tijekom godina, tvrtka je stekla bogato iskustvo i reputaciju kao pouzdan i inovativan partner u digitalnom razvoju. Naša stručnost leži u dizajniranju i razvoju visokokvalitetnih aplikacija koje zadovoljavaju potrebe i zahtjeve naših klijenata.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Vokabula
Short Description:

Vokabula is the leading online language school in our region, offering innovative and effective German, English and Italian courses. Our unique teaching method ensures students speak the language up to five times faster. We provide personalized lessons with expert teachers on our proprietary platform, focusing on communication and practical skills. Visit us at Vokabula is seeking a partner to expand our services to international markets.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Single spin d.o.o.
Short Description:

Single Spin is company specialized in the structural design. By utilizing Building Information Modeling (BIM) environments in our project designs, we enhance collaboration, accuracy, and efficiency throughout the project lifecycle. Furthermore, we export our specialized services to international markets, including Germany and Australia. We are now committed to advance in the area of sustainable construction practices and aim to significantly reduce the carbon foot of our projects.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Proxfon Media d.o.o.
Short Description:

We are Proxfon media, digital marketing agency specialised in fields of digital marketing, UI/UX design, targeting and running ads budget for our clients and making solutions for boosting sales and leads generation. Willing to partnership with companies that have products and services to promote and achieve better ROI

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Arox proizvodnja d.o.o.
Short Description:

Arox production d.o.o. is a company that specializes in the production of textile products for the garden and garden furniture. We are looking for a partner who has the capacity to produce textile products and a partner to create software for monitoring production.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: E SOLUTIONS ltd
Short Description:

Innovative air purification devices that use UV-C technology in combination with negative ion generation. The importance of air quality in closed spaces is great, especially during epidemics. Our users are: healthcare institutions, food and meat industries, kindergartens, schools, airports, and all other public and private institutions where we have a large turnover of people. For cooperation, feel free to contact us.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Simpert j.d.o.o.
Short Description:

Simpert, a tech company dedicated to creating cloud-based tools that simplify and improve the development of complex products. Our focus is on optimizing energy and material use during design and production. We offer services in digital transformation, automation, software development, custom software solutions, and 3D visualization of products and processes. Our innovative solutions help businesses streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance overall efficiency. We are committed to s

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Center for Finance
Short Description:

Center for Finance is science and research organization from Montenegro founded in 2021 with the aim of becoming, together with the most important stakeholders, a recognizable center of excellence in the field of finance, improving practical and theoretical knowledge that shapes the future of the economic and financial sector. We mainly focus on following thematic areas: economic development and job creation, digitalization and FinTeck, financing for ecology and education and training.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Short Description:

Magbago is an innovative startup designing and selling clothing made from fabrics derived from food and plant waste. We use digital labels with NFC tags to store extensive information about each piece. Our goal is to provide comfort and health through sustainable fashion, promoting change in the industry. We seek partnerships with companies in similar fields to collectively contribute to a sustainable future.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Request
Company Name: renergo solutions j.d.o.o.
Short Description:

Renergo Solutions specializes in IoT, hardware, and software development. We provide solutions for consumer electronics, the Internet of Things, and industrial electronics to diverse clientele; including solo entrepreneurs and established companies. The company designs products for manufacturing (DFM), assuring timely and cost-effective execution. We are looking for partner(s) to develop HW and SW solutions for.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Učilište Cibalae
Short Description:

Učilište Cibalae - ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih\" Učilište Cibalae je ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih namijenjena njihovu ostvarivanju prava na slobodan razvoj osobnosti, osposobljavanja za zapošljivost ( osnovna škola za odrasle,stjecanje kvalifikacija za prvo zanimanje, prekvalifikacije, stjecanje i produbljivanje stručnog znanja, vještina i sposobnosti) i osposobljavanje za aktivno građanstvo. Svojim aktivnostima prisutni smo u Vinkovcima i Vukovarsko srijemskoj županiji. Učilište provodi

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: GUIDE for YOU D.O.O.
Short Description:

We are a software development company focused on hospitality sector (hotels, museums, camps, villas, appartments, etc.). We are building software and inovative hardvware solution made of wood (sustaynable and eco products). Looking for partners in hospitality sector for developing and inovative hardware/software solution.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Informatika Fortuno d.o.o.
Short Description:

Software development company focused on building SaaS products for SMEs. The company was founded in 2007 and we have 25 employees. We work with large and small retailers, manufacturers and the hospitality sector. We are looking for a partner from the accounting or retail sector to develop an AI-powered product. Details will be shared with the possible partners.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: VOĆAR
Short Description:

Food factory ( plams. peanuts, popcorn, corn snackes, wafers, chips)

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Kristalna ideja
Short Description:

Micro SME specialized in air quality management solutions with over 10 years of experience. We discover, design and develop custom solutions for specific niches in the industry. Managed and successfully implemented more than 10 EU-funded projects. Feel free to contact us if your project idea requires air pollution mitigation, measurement, detection, purification and/or similar.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Nasa Mljekara doo, Banja Luka
Short Description:

Launching our own milk processing is a priority for members of the Dairy Farmers Association of the Republic of Srpska (DFA). Key reasons include market shortages of milk products and the need to boost domestic production stability and competitiveness. Inspired by the Sweden USAID FARMA II project\'s 2020 findings on the dairy market, DFA plans a greenfield investment in Prnjavor\'s Vijaka business zone. Initial processing will be 5,000 liters/day, scaling to 25,000 liters/day within four years.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: MAXCODE d.o.o. Bijeljina
Short Description:

IT company creating innovative solutions with a client-centered focus. We tailor our IT skills to meet the client\'s specific requirements. At the end of each project, the client receives a functional, simple, and comprehensive solution. By combining our years of experience in the ICT market with our deep commitment to innovation, we have created a framework composed of solutions and services that help companies move towards a connected and social digital world based on cloud solutions.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Empress Ltd. Zenica
Short Description:

Empress Ltd. is a private company owned and managed by a business woman, which too has experience in taking part in EU funded projects such as CreativeWear and some projects funded by the GiZ, UNDP and ILO. Our involvement in a diverse number of different projects, ranging from educational initiatives to digitalization and R&D ventures, underscores our willingness and adaptability in meeting evolving industry demands.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: HortusDes d.o.o.
Short Description:

HortusDes d.o.o. is a Croatian landscape architecture firm specializing in the design and construction of exclusive gardens. With a team of experienced landscape architects and skilled professionals, HortusDes d.o.o. offers comprehensive services from conceptual design to project implementation. The company operates throughout Croatia, providing tailored solutions for both residential and commercial clients. HortusDes d.o.o. is committed to creating unique and sustainable outdoor spaces

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Request
Company Name: Artha counsulting
Short Description:

Consultancy in field green and holistic - tourism. Rural development, service and nature friendly activities. Sustainability, Nature and environement projects in tourism.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Meditera d.o.o.
Short Description:

MDTR Architecture stands as a fully integrated architectural firm dedicated to sustainable and eco-friendly construction. Specializing in a wide range of projects from small prefab houses to large-scale residential, commercial, and public buildings, MDTR Architecture integrates green building practices, recycling, reusing, and permaculture into its design philosophy. This commitment ensures that every project not only meets aesthetic and functional requirements but also advances environmental su

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: LABA PRO D.O.O.
Short Description:

LABA d.o.o. više od 30 god. se bavi uslužnom proizvodnjom tekstilnih proizvoda. Trenutna proizvodnja bazirana je na šivanju, kontroli, peglanju i pakovanju proizvoda od trikotaže. Proizvodna hala i upravna zgrada se nalaze u Vukovaru na prostoru od 2.500 m2. Zainteresirani smo za pronalaženje poslovnog partnera u tekstilnoj struci ili nekoj drugoj djelatnosti koja bi mogla kvalitetno iskoristiti prostor koji posjedujemo.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Hotel Sokoline
Short Description:

Hotel&Restaurant Sokoline is small family owned business opened in 2016. We have a spacious rooftop restaurant and seven accommodation units with panoramic views in the central rural part of Montenegro. We are focused on sustainable tourism trough offering quality local products and national dishes and following ESG standards. We are looking for partner(s) from Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina in this project in order to boost our competitiveness in the hospitality industry.

Country: Montenegro
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: B-line d.o.o.
Short Description:

B-line d.o.o. is a company specializing in the construction of steel structures. Since 2014, we have successfully operated predominantly in the Croatian market, experiencing consistent year-on-year growth. We possess comprehensive knowledge and tools necessary to execute complex and demanding projects.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Bikademy
Short Description:

Bikademy is a multi-layered solution encouraging cycling and mobility-related CO2 savings in (tourist) destinations, with an aim to go beyond and also encourage the city residents and employees to cycle every day. The core of Bikademy is an existing mobile app, designed to promote cycling as a mode to visit cultural and natural heritage sites, with an inbuilt incentive programme.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer
Company Name: Meliori Polymer Engineering d.o.o.
Short Description:

We are small start-up in field of polymer engineering and injection molding, currently focusing on applications in semiconductor industry.

Country: Croatia
Type of request: Offer