EmBRACE video released – check it out and apply!

Publish date: 03. July 2024.
Project category: EmBRACE

For the first time in the border area of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, a total of EUR 8,725,324.36 is available for micro and small entrepreneurs within the new project EmBRACE (Enhancing MSEs SustainBle Growth And Competitiveness), from the European Regional Development Fund and IPA III. Through the 1st Call, EUR 3,000,000.00 is available, up to 200,000.00 EUR per project. The expected duration of the public call is from 18. June to 17. September, 2024. 

Don’t miss your chance, find out more information in the video and apply to participate in the project here.

The project is implemented as part of the Interreg IPA program of cross-border cooperation Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2021 – 2027 and aims to encourage continuous growth and improvement of the competitiveness of micro and small enterprises in the border area of ​​the three countries.

For additional information, interested entrepreneurs can contact HAMAG-BICRO employees by e-mail: embrace@hamagbicro.hr.