Fostering cross-border business cooperation of SMEs operating on different sides of the Hungary-Croatia border
In the Interreg V-A Programme between Hungary and Croatia for the period 2014-2020 a specially designed cross-border SME development scheme (called B Light Scheme) was introduced and implemented with the aim of fostering value-added business cooperation between SMEs operating on different sides of the border.

Priority Axis 1: – A smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation
Specific objective: SO 1.3 Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments.
On basis of the experience of the 2014-2020 scheme the new B Light 2 shall provide support in two different ways:
- Focus of joint appearance on each other’s and third markets.
- Cooperation-based innovative product, service and technology development of SMEs operating in the border area.
Detailed information about the Project can be found HERE.
Overall project objective: Fostering value-added cross-border business cooperation of SMEs operating in the border area.
Specific objectives of the project:
- raise awareness about the importance of cross-border economic cooperation and its added value to regional economy;
- raising the number of joint SME business cooperation in the border area, especially in the rural areas with low economic performance;
- promotion of cross-border trade between SMEs through direct support provided to economic entities;
- fostering innovation activities in the area through support of cross-border innovation cooperation projects of SMEs.
The project is co-financed by ERDF and IPA III funds of the European Union.