EmBRACE Implementation Workshop Held for Small Projects Under the First Call

Publish date: 10. March 2025.
Project category: EmBRACE

As part of the first Public Call for the Small Project Fund project EmBRACE “Enhancing MSEs sustainaBle gRowth And CompEtitiveness,” funded under the Interreg VI-A IPA Program Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2021–2027, HAMAG-BICRO organized an online implementation workshop on March 5, 2025, for entrepreneurs from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro who are participating in the implementation of 24 contracted small projects.

The entrepreneurs were introduced to the reporting process, the hierarchy of rules and the eligibility period for expenses. Examples of ineligible costs were presented for better understanding. The entrepreneurs were also shown how to maintain proper accounting records and how to carry out procurement procedures, as well as the visibility and communication rules they must consider when implementing their projects. Additionally, they were informed about the aspects they need to be aware of during the on-the-spot inspections.

This was an excellent opportunity for direct consultations, allowing entrepreneurs to get answers to all their questions and concerns from the HAMAG-BICRO employees during the interactive part of the workshop.

The workshop presentation is available here.